Saturday 14 March 2009


Did a job here last week on one of the sunniest days in ages. It's an incredible place, all faded grandeur as you can see here. The house is so evocative of times gone by and it's the only single residence on the south side of the Thames with a garden directly on the river.
It was built in 1708 for master shipwright Joseph Allin - the current owners are now conserving and restoring it, painstakingly researching the house and the surrounding dockyards.
Strangely, a number of us felt really tired all day - I was unusually lethargic, despite drinking gallons of coffee and was in bed, exhausted, by 9.30 that night. Simon had nightmares three times in a week.
I'm not one for ghosts and ghouls and things that go bump in the night but I really think there may have been a few territorial spirits lurking about the place!
On a lighter note, don't you love the name of the park, opposite?

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